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Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Way to Consider and Onboard AI

Thoughtful results from a survey from multiple countries.  A look at AI in the form of Assistant, Monitor, Coach and Teammate.  Reasonable ways to think of their use and implications.

A Better Way to Onboard AI   by Boris Babic , Daniel L. Chen , Theodoros Evgeniou and Anne-Laure Fayard in the HBR

In a 2018 Workforce Institute survey of 3,000 managers across eight industrialized nations, the majority of respondents described artificial intelligence as a valuable productivity tool.
t’s easy to see why: AI brings tangible benefits in processing speed, accuracy, and consistency (machines don’t make mistakes because they’re tired), which is why many professionals now rely on it. Some medical specialists, for example, use AI tools to help make diagnoses and decisions about treatment.

But respondents to that survey also expressed fears that AI would take their jobs. They are not alone. The Guardian recently reported that more than 6 million workers in the UK fear being replaced by machines. These fears are echoed by academics and executives we meet at conferences and seminars. AI’s advantages can be cast in a much darker light: Why would humans be needed when machines can do a better job?  ... "

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