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Friday, December 27, 2019

Is 2020 the Year of Consumer VR?

Good piece in engadget.  Not quite convinced of the conclusion.   Can VR create consumer experiences that are really better enough than on a screen?  Agree that for relatively narrow business context, makes lots of sense.  but for insertions into everyday life, or even gaming-life  ... still not there.

2020 is VR's make-or-break year in 
The stars might finally align for virtual reality next year.

Devindra Hardawar, @devindra in Engadget

In the nearly four years since the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive hit retail shelves, VR has gone from being the most exciting new computing medium around -- something that could be as transformational as the internet itself -- to a niche accessory for gamers with too much money. New headsets have come and gone, cheap mobile VR was briefly popular (before going extinct) and standalone virtual reality devices have finally arrived. It'd be wrong to say there's been no progress in the world of VR, but it still feels as if we're waiting for it to truly take off as a medium.

Where's the killer app? Where's the affordable hardware that everyone can buy (that doesn't deliver a dumbed down experience)? How, exactly, will developers make money without releasing yet another zombie game? There's still so much left up in the air for a medium that arrived amid a torrent of hype. .... "

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