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Saturday, April 01, 2017

Top Algorithms

Nice piece in KDNuggets.  Good starting place for inquisitive managers and decision places.  Nice statements too about the nature of algorithms.  I have found  widespread misunderstanding of the term in industry.

In KDNuggets:
" ... We've put together a brief summary of the top algorithms used in predictive analysis, which you can see just below. Read to learn more about Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Gradient Boosting, and more. .... 

Getting Up Close and Personal with Algorithms
We hear the term “machine learning” a lot these days, usually in the context of predictive analysis and artificial intelligence. Machine learning is, more or less, a way for computers to learn things without being specifically programmed. But how does that actually happen?

The answer is, in one word, algorithms. Algorithms are sets of rules that a computer is able to follow. Think about how you learned to do long division -- maybe you learned to take the denominator and divide it into the first digits of the numerator, then subtracting the subtotal and continuing with the next digits until you were left with a remainder. Well, that’s an algorithm, and it’s the sort of thing we can program into a computer, which can perform these sorts of calculations much, much faster than we can.

We've put together a brief summary of the top algorithms used in predictive analysis, which you can see just below. Read on for more detail on these algorithms. .... " 

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