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Wednesday, November 02, 2022

Natural Language Processing Software Evaluates Middle School Science Essays

 Natural Language Processing Software Evaluates Middle School Science Essays

Penn State News, Mariah Chuprinski, October 11, 2022

Computer scientists at Pennsylvania State University (Penn State) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison) appraised natural language processing software for evaluating students' science essays. Researchers augmented the PyrEval tool to assess concepts in student writing based on predetermined and computable rubrics. The PyrEval-CR software "can provide middle school students immediate feedback on their science essays," while also summarizing subjects or ideas in the essays "from one or more classrooms, so teachers can quickly determine if students have genuinely understood a science lesson," said Penn State's Rebecca Passonneau. Researchers tested PyrEval-CR on hundreds of science essays from Wisconsin public schools.  .. '

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