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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Tracking Human Mobility

A somewhat unusual look at different kinds of mobility and how it relates to pandemic challenges.

App Tracks Human Mobility, COVID-19

University of Miami, Deserae E. del Campo,  June 14, 2021

The COVID-19 vs. Human Mobility Web application can map the coronavirus pandemic's global impact on human movement. The University of Miami's Shouraseni Sen Roy and Christopher Chapin based the interactive app on Apple Maps' dataset on human movement through walking, driving, and public transit; Oxford University's COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, detailing government policies deployed during the pandemic; and Johns Hopkins University's compiled global cases of COVID-19. Users can choose a country, or a U.S. state or county, and compare human mobility and coronavirus cases over time, as well as data on government policies associated with COVID-19's spread. Sen Roy said, "Understanding historic mobility patterns, both under normal circumstances and in response to extreme events like a pandemic or a natural disaster, is surely needed for policymakers to make informed decisions regarding transportation systems and more.”

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