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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Can Personality Determine How we Interact with Future AI?

Very thoughtful piece in DSC.  I am suspicious of using the Myers-Briggs model here.  Read the complete article there, and join DSC for much more.

Could your personality decide how you can collaborate with AI in future jobs?
Posted by ajit jaokar in DSC

I am currently exploring this idea in a paper
Could your personality decide how you can collaborate with AI in future jobs?
I am a strong believer in a mode where humans and AI work together and collaborate 

I also believe that if we can master this skill, we can bring manufacturing jobs back from offshore destinations

In the book "Humans + Machines – Reinventing work in the age of AI": by Daugherty and Wilson (2018) propose a model for humans and AI working together based on the idea of identifying the ‘missing middle'. The missing middle represents areas where humans and AI collaborate and comprises of two sections:   Where humans complement machines and  where AI gives humans superpowers.   (Complete article at link) 

The authors identify subcategories in these models that I briefly explain below.
The authors call for process re-engineering to rethink business processes implemented as a hybrid human-machine model.

Source: Daugherty and Wilson (2018)

Functions where humans complement machines

Trainers train the algorithms by performing tasks such as Clean data for upload; Discover relevant data and data streams; observe machine decision making; tag data; train AI on language, gesture, empathy; Have machine observe interactions; Correct errors, reinforce successes
Explainers: test, observer and explain the algorithms. They also explain and interpret machine learning outputs to stakeholders.

Sustaining: Involves overseeing the algorithm, setting limits, ethical and legal compliance, Ensure data quality, check output quality, consider societal and business impact. The function of sustaining also involves: Explainability: humans could help in explaining the intermediate steps of an algorithm), Accountability: explicitly identifying which decisions are delegated to machines and which decisions require human intervention, and who is accountable in either case) Fairness: Ensures that AI solutions are balanced and not biased, protection against data bias, an understanding of why decisions are made.

Functions where AI gives humans superpowers

Amplifiers complement algorithms by matching, recommending and patterning. Algorithms amplify the capabilities of humans by various means such as automating repetitive or low-level tasks; suggesting alternatives, prioritising resources etc. Specifically, algorithms are good at large scale pattern detection which include tasks like identify trends in real time, personalising offerings, identifying anomalies, categorising and routing data on scale etc.

Interact: The ability to interact allows algorithms to take over many of the routine interaction tasks with people and allows human workers to focus on higher order activities. Tasks which algorithms could perform include automated question and answers; voice-driven conversations

Embodiment: works with AI in physical spaces. Activities include Self-navigate around humans and autonomous machines; Extend sight, hearing or touch; Assist on exact, arduous, or routine physical work

Now, based on this, can we think of personality traits in humans that could be suitable for jobs based on the above?   .... " 

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