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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Teaching AI to be Better at Second-Guessing

Intent is a element of context that humans frequently use in adapting to conversation.

How humans are teaching AI to become better at second-guessing
by Lachlan Gilbert, University of New South Wales

One of the holy grails in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) is giving machines the ability to predict intent when interacting with humans.

We humans do it all the time and without even being aware of it: we observe, we listen, we use our past experience to reason about what someone is doing, why they are doing it to come up with a prediction about what they will do next.

At the moment, AI may do a plausible job at detecting the intent of another person (in other words, after the fact). Or it may even have a list of predefined, possible responses that a human will respond with in a given situation. But when an AI system or machine only has a few clues or partial observations to go on, its responses can sometimes be a little… robotic.  .... "

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