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Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Guide to Amazon SEO

Received this invitation to get and forward this offer for a PDF guide,  you do have to provide some registration information.   Via Retailwire.

Ultimate Guide to Amazon SEO  by CPC Strategy

Optimize & Update Your Product Listings to Rank Organically

The Story: Are your biggest keywords tanking on the Amazon search results page? Don’t just spend hours refining your keywords. Amazon’s ranking algorithm has gotten a lot more complex over the years, and if you don’t learn exactly how it thinks–and how that translates into listing optimizations–your products will just keep sinking.

The Guide: CPC Strategy and BigCommerce teamed up and put together this comprehensive guide to hacking Amazon SEO, from product titles to feed updates. Trust us, it’s a match made in ecommerce heaven.

Who It’s For: 3P Sellers
You’ll Get:
An inside look at Amazon’s top ranking factors
Step-by-step directions for listing optimization
An essential guide to updating your product feed  ....  " 

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